Monday, June 15, 2020

Personal Leadership Development As A Strategic Manager - 275 Words

Personal Leadership Development As A Strategic Manager (Case Study Sample) Content: Personal leadership development as a strategic managerName:Institution:Personal leadership development as a strategic managerTask 1:The vision of the organisation is positive and sustainable services for the people. The vision is concise and customer oriented. An in depth analysis into the vision indicates that the organisation ensures positive interaction to manage the work environment so that the workers have job satisfaction. Moreover, the workplace is encompassing with the contribution of all the members being taken into account by the management. the individuals feel like the organisation values their contribution. the feeling contributes to their positivity in the workplace.The positivity in the vision streams into empowerment with a growth oriented culture that ensures that all the members progress in their work as well as in their personal lives. The leadership ensures that every individual has an opportunity for effective growth. Valuing their contribution an d efficient delegation ensures that all the individuals in the cooperation own their work and ensure positivity in their contribution towards company objectives.The third component of the values in the organisation that emphasize on the vision is the openness in service delivery. Communication is clear as well as concise to ensure that every individual has a clear view of his or her roles and contribution. The openness emphasises on the shared roles among the workforce since they all strive towards common objectives.Liaise London has a clear set of objectives that not only drive the workforce but also focus their energy and potential towards common achievement. The organisation pays careful attention to the team within. The first objective that places emphasis on the team members is therefore to provide person centred programs that are available for the client around the close. The company ensures multi-disciplinary team availability to cater for all the needs of the clients. The go al links to the second objective that ensures the clients have a happy as well as healthy life. Communication within the organisation is of great value. As such, the third objective constitutes a development of communication skills that will not only enable self-expression but also help the individuals to understand the messages form their leaders, co-workers and all the members of staff as well as the clients.Communication goes hand in hand with limiting restrictive behaviour while encouraging person-to-person interaction within the organisation as well as with the public. The notion is in line with the subsequent objective that ensures all the workers are non-aversive through adaptive and functional skills that they learn in the workplace. the skills ensure that they openly interact with each other for effective workflow within the institution. the management for instance has faith that the workers will understand and implement the various communications while the workers on their side understand that their communications concerning improvements and grievances reach the necessary parties. the objective goes together with encouraging socialisation in the workplace. all the workers develop the necessary skills to interact with the community. In pursuit of socialisation, the organisation ensures that the workers physical, emotional and spiritual needs in the work environment remain fulfilled. The outcome is all round workers who have the necessary positivity to propagate the vision of the organisation.The organisation also works with other members of the community that are useful contributors to the vision. The members include parents and families to ensure high standards in service provision. The final objectives ensure that the clients are satisfied within the setting of the organisation. The first is to ensure that they use appropriate methods for positive learning. Additionally, the institution discourages the use of medication except in the interest of th e recipient and under sufficient supervision by qualified members of staff who understands the needs of the client. The individuals also have sufficient relation time to enjoy their leisure activities while the leadership uses positive reactive strategies in conflict situations and for physical management.Task 2:Mentoring is the first method of developing strategic leadership skills. The process of mentoring involves having an individual in a leadership position that one looks up to. Individuals have mentors ranging from famous political figures and influential leaders all the way to parents and relatives. The idea is to identify an individual with the set of leadership skills that the leader in question ascribes to and work closely with the person. The close interaction can include seeking advice and input on various situations or spending the day with the influential individual to understand their take on various situations in life.Mentors have been efficient in improving the live s of individuals not only in leadership positions but also in education and in marriage. The action is therefore sufficient in developing leadership position as it involves reading from living scrip while implementing all the ideas that the script provides. Through the process of mentorship, young leaders can learn from older leaders who may or may not be in the position of service. Their input, rather than their position is what is useful in the process of mentorship.An alternative to mentoring is Executive coaching. The procedure involves deliberate placement of a new leader in the charge of a leader with experience. In learning institutions, the individual in an executive leering position is the deputy to the principal who most times takes up the duties of the principal. Through the process, they understand what the position requires as well as the action of their predecessor in various situations.Executive learning is useful in teaching leadership in action albeit in a lower pos ition. The assistant to the manager, or the vice individual is therefore in a position to take up the role should the need arise.Apart from learning in a restricted environment, an alternative form of leadership training is Job rotation. It allows an individual to experience the various positions in an organisation so that they understand their requirements. Job rotation in an institution also enables one to understand their full potential through experimenting in various areas. An individual can for example start from the reception area and grasp the concept of interacting with new clients as well as the etiquette that comes with the position they hold at the reception. Moving to the registry and to the financial section will expose the leader in training to the accounting and book keeping procedures within the institution. In the rotation process, the individual might understand their potential and areas of interest as well as speciality. Focusing in the said area makes effective leaders who not only understand their work but also have the passion necessary to realise the objectives of the organisation.Task 3:Leadership is a challenging position because while others assume that the leader has immense authority, the reality is that the leader satisfies the needs of the workers and the community at the expense of personal needs. There are instances of leaders sacrificing their health to ensure that the community members receive the best services possible. It is therefore important as a leader to undergo constant evaluation that will create room for personal development that will benefit the entire community under their charge. The community of Liaise London is specific in their need for efficient leadership. The parents, the leaners as well as the workers rely on the foundation of good leadership to ensure that they meet their developmental objectives that will in turn meet the objectives of the institution.One analysis framework for an efficient leader in the organisation is the SWOT analysis. The analytic tool is applicable for individuals, situations as well as institutions to ensure maximum use of resources towards success. The acronym SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. An effective leader needs to understand all the components and their presence in the immediate and far environment. The first analysis of strengths is useful so that the leader can understand them and capitalise their potential. The first strength in the leadership position has been the ability to interact with people from all lifestyles while making them feel comfortable in presenting pressing and sometimes personal issues. The strength is useful in putting the families and the learners at ease while interacting with the workforce. As different strength is organisational skills that ensure attention to details. The institution is dynamic and complex. Having lack of attention to details will make an individual in the position to miss opp ortunities that will help their charge to grow. Attention to details will ensure for example that a leader can notice a special ability in a child and direct their immediate charge to explore the ability for the benefit of the learner and the institution at large.Opportunities exist in the environment and within the person. They include the opportunities to learn and grow while in the process of leadership. One such opportunity in Liaise London is the interaction with individuals from all occupations. Autism is a condition that does not discriminate on race, ethnicity or gender. Leader in an institution that caters for autistic children is therefore an opportunity in itself to interact with all these individuals and learn from them while growing. Understanding the available opportunities that are beneficial to the person so that the individual can take advantage of them. Once one knows of the opportunities surrounding them, it is...

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